Storm Preparedness
Parker Public Adjusters is not only here to advocate for YOU after the storm we want you to be safe and get through it with the best possible outcome. Here is all the latest information on this year’s storm season. Also, we will update this page with great tips and information as we come across it. This is an everchanging progressive season we constantly watch and add information to this page.
Please check back for updates!
Hurricane force winds can turn landscaping materials into missiles that can break windows and doors. Click to read.
Hurricane Preparation | IMR
Stephanie Abrams takes you through life-saving tips on how to prepare for a big storm. Click the video above to watch and learn.
La Nina and warmer-than-average ocean temperatures are major drivers of tropical activity. Click to read.
We love our dogs and cats as members of the family and worry ourselves.
What would we do if we need to evacuate and take our precious four-legged babies with us? Here are links we can all use if necessary to find shelters across the State of Florida for our WHOLE family. Helpful hints to be sure we are all prepared for and situation that comes our way as well!